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In spite of a hot dry summer, our fish survived very well thanks to members who refrained from fishing during the hot spell and used proper catch and release measures when returning trout to the water. With that being said, the eagles certainly helped themselves to some easy trout meals at our expense.


Opening Day of the 2023 Trout Season is 

April 1.


Youth Mentor Day is March 25, which is also our annual work day. Please follow PA Fish Commission & FFF club rules and water regulations (included) and bring a son or daughter along for the work day and fish afterward. Keep in mind we are a catch-and-release club.


All stocked trout waters (including our club waters) are closed to fishing from February 19 until the opening day of trout season on April 1. As in past years, this is a Pennsylvania Fish Commission ruling.

A few reminders...


Please park in marked area; we need to respect landowners' wishes and keep our vehicles in these areas at all times. 


There was an article in the Press Enterprise concerning streams marked with "No Trespassing" signs.  To paraphrase, the local Waterways Conservation Officer stated, "If a landowner owns both sides of the stream, he also owns the stream bed." This is positive news for the club and gives us direction when dealing with trespassers.

New to FFF Members - Cathy & Barry Beck's Green Barn Fly Shop


Navigate to the 'Stream Report and Fishing Tactics' page to find more information on a fly shop now open to our members compliments of the Becks.

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